Thursday, December 16, 2010

We finished moving

Hi guys. I'm back! Wasn't able to post anything before cause we were planning on moving, our 1 year contract on our place ended and we decided to move to a different place as well. Hehe.
So yah, now were finished moving but the place looks like a storage area for now. Haven't unpacked anything yet, will do it maybe on the weekends.
The place looks nice, a bit smaller than our previous place but I think it's much cooler and it's on tiles, much colder floor, Yeah :]!
And my muscles ache like hell right now. We've been moving stuff from our place downwards (2nd floor), then moving them back up (3rd floor) to the place we moved in. Haha. So me and my friends were like dead tired after moving all our stuff. >_<

Well as for my project surescene, I've done a few updates a while back and I got it back and running again.